January – Surface Design Samples

This month we only had a small group but we produced some surface design samples which Wendy Bailye had showed at the 2017 Felting Convergence.

Later in February many of us are doing a 2 day workshop with Anita Larkin.






July – Nuno Scarves with Resists

This month Jeanette showed us how to make a nuno scarf using ribbon or cord as a resist. After they were felted we then cut along the resist lines. We then ended up with a lovely frilly scarf.

Everyone was so busy laying out their merino tops.

Lisa decided to use one of her beautiful painted scarves.

I can’t wait to see the beautiful results of everyone’s hard work.

June – Techniques

This month we practised techniques ready to make items for our exhibition in November.

Lesley is happy with her felted ball while Erica thought her’s looked like eyes.


Roza and Kerrie made ‘cracked mud’

while Judy made a flower and Helen did some beautiful shibori.

We also had ‘show and tell’ with our beautiful scarves that we made in May.


Beginners Workshops

Lesley has recently been holding some very successful workshops for beginners. These people have either recently joined us or have little knowledge of felting and wish to join our group.

Wow looks as if we have some artistic people joining us. Well done and thank you Lesley.

May – Painting and Felting Scarves

Lisa showed us how she paints and felts her beautiful scarves over 2 days in May. The first Monday we painted our silk scarves with Sun Dyes. We all scrunched or folded our scarves, then we applied several colours of Sun Dye using sponge brushes.

After painting our scarves we put them outside in the sun to dry. Unfortunately the sun was not hot enough in late Autumn so we had to carefully fold them in plastic and take them home to dry.

The following Monday we looked at Lisa’s beautiful felting and felted our own.


Our painted scarves looked lovely

and during the felting process.